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Thornell Road Students Win NYS Archives Student Research Award

Congratulations to the Thornell Road Elementary School students who won the 2024 NYS Archives Partnership Trust Student Research Award for grades 4-5. Students from Mrs. Stevens-Oliver's 2023-24 fourth grade class wrote a book called “Seeking Suffrage,” which combines informational writing about the women's suffrage movement in Pittsford with a fantasy frame story in which time traveling twins go back in time to attend a meeting of the Political Equality Club at which Mary Anthony (Susan B. Anthony’s sister) spoke.

The class celebrated their achievement during a special ceremony with family, members of the Board of Education, PCSD administrators and Town officials. This is the fourth year that Pittsford students have won the division award for grades 4-5.

The book, “Seeking Suffrage,” includes both handmade drawings and a collage students created from copies of the documents used in their research. Judges highlighted the use of the local history connection in a creative, yet historically accurate, presentation of the content. The students used primary source documents to complete the research portion of the book. Key local resources included a recently discovered minute book from the Pittsford Women's Equality Club and letters written by Mary Anthony to the club. Historic newspapers, letters and a diary were also used.

To view a digital copy of “Seeking Suffrage,” visit: The book can also be found in Thornell Road Elementary School’s library and the Pittsford Town Historian's Office.

Read More about Thornell Road Students Win NYS Archives Student Research Award
students holding award certificates